On the sport health and mental health education of college students 浅谈大学生体育健康与心理健康教育
So strengthening of the health and mental health awareness on people how important 所以加强提高身体健康与心理健康的意识对人们是多么的重要!
Funds go to carry out various medical policies , public health and mental health programs , to collect and treat raw sewage and trash , and to carry out measures to combat pollution 资金还用于执行各种医疗政策公共建康和心理健康处理下水道和垃圾以及采取多项措施与环境污染作斗争。
Recently “ who health views ” has taken attention by introduction of fourth health view following three of physical health , social health and mental health , and the achievement of the four healths so as to spiritual health is exactly the guide for health proposed by yoga 近来,世界卫生组织的健康观提及到了健康的四个方面,已经受到到了关注,除了身体健康,社会适应性和心理健康外,精神健康是健康的第四个方面,它也是瑜伽所推崇的。